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Now that you have seen how money works, you can summarize its working in this way for yourself:
I am the power and the value. All I need to do is communicate and share my vision and value with another person. When this person sees value in what I propose, we will work together to achieve a common goal. The money will arise automatically if and where need be. I need not obsess about it nor feel the extent of my capabilities is in any way determined or limited by money.
Whether you are in a job or a business of your own, the way to gain increasing wealth (and money if that is what you want – but remember that you can have wealth without money) is to continuously go within and find the value and power that is inherent in you as it is in everybody. Then bring it out and communicate it. And you will find that, in ways you can't even predict, the wealth and money will automatically come. Go within, bring it out, communicate your value, ask for what you desire, and repeat. Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Very simple.
Go within, bring it out, communicate your value, ask for what you desire, and repeat.
Go within, bring it out, communicate your value, ask for what you desire, and repeat.
Go within, bring it out, communicate your value, ask for what you desire, and repeat.
Nowhere in this cycle does money come in as a requirement. It is incidental – it will happen almost on its own without you having to force it. You truly are self-reliant, inherently and miraculously (you don’t even need to understand how it happens). You will begin to notice that you will be getting much of what you thought you needed, just on time, and often without even needing money. A friend will mention a resource and a place you can get it without the money you thought you needed, or the money will appear just when needed it, or someone will collaborate with you instead of charging you money... The combinations are endless, and you cannot even calculate them and yet they will happen for you. There are very few times you need to put your attention directly on money. You will know when you need to act directly with money, for your Spirit/Self always
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guides you through feelings and thoughts. But learn to distinguish between your ego’s and your Self’s guidance. All directions that arise in your mind and emotions from a point of fear or neediness will not be of Spirit – they will be from your ego and you can as well just toss them in the bin after understanding why you had them in the first place. All directions that arise from a feeling of loving and comfortable guidance will be from Spirit – follow them and don’t allow your intellect to interfere by analyzing them until you are paralyzed and you miss the opportunity.
We have seen how money enables you to convince someone else to act in a certain way. It shifts their beliefs towards something you would like to have happen. But what else does money do? It shifts your own beliefs – it convinces you that you have the power. But it is not the money that convinces you; it cannot possibly do that. You convince yourself, without a shred of doubt, that you have the ability! When you don’t have $100 that you imagine you need to get a pair of shoes, the $100 you imagine is the only way, out of infinite possibilities, that will get you the shoes, you convince yourself totally that you don’t have the ability to get shoes. When you have the $100, you convince yourself totally that you have all the power you need to get shoes. Did you know that you could convince yourself of either of these even without money? You may have the $100 but convince yourself totally that you have some perceived shortage and you shouldn’t spend it on shoes or else you will suffer. And so you remain without shoes. Of you may not have the $100 but you convince yourself totally that you will get shoes, and somehow you end up with shoes (as a gift, through some special offer, or in any of many other ways! This all teaches you two things: (1) you can convince yourself either way regardless of the money and the results happen regardless of the money and (2) you always, always, regardless of the money, have to convince yourself first of your ability so that you may use it.
How does the financial system work at its most secret, foundational level and how does that affect me? (This is very important).
"A democracy cannot be both ignorant and free" - Thomas Jefferson
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Systems. That is what we are, that is what we live within, and that is what we create. We have seen plenty about our belief systems and how they are the templates of our lives. Now it is time to look at the systems we live in.
This you can readily accept: By understanding the system you live within, you can find increasingly efficient and effortless ways to achieve your desires within the system.
This you may find acceptable, or you may find it shocking and deny it: It is possible that you live within a system that silently enslaves you and you don’t even know it.
And this second point is the one we need to look at now (and that will automatically guide us towards achieving the promise of the first point). It holds a key to your increasing freedom. But be prepared to be surprised. There is much that has been hidden from most people for a very long time now; yet this does not mean it doesn’t exist. Things are not always what they appear to be. But you can always know them by their fruits. Welcome to the secret world of our civilization’s current system of money. There is something about it that you need to know to gain your own freedom and self-reliance back.
You are about to see how you are playing a game within a structure that appears to be one thing but is actually another. You are playing a game with rules that are sometimes designed to stack the odds against you especially if you are not aware of them. You are playing a game you don’t even have to play, but you think that you do. But you think that this game is the only game, that the only way to play it is the way they tell you to, and that if you can't win then it is you who is wrong, and not the game system itself. You may not even realize that you can play any one of several other games instead of this one, and that the others are much easier and more enjoyable. You assume that the game you are playing in was designed for your benefit, and you fail to see that it may have been designed for someone else’s benefit but at your expense. Most of all, you are playing a game that has been altered to slowly erode your sense of self-reliance and self-determination. To see what all this means, and how you can be free, we will take a quick and easy look into the world’s money system and political structures. It is a journey that will take us to plenty of different topics but in the end, it will all make sense.
We will begin with debt, because here lies one key to much of the puzzle.
Healthy vs. unhealthy debt
There is nothing wrong with debt, when used healthily as a tool. But when it arises, as it mostly does, from fear, feeling of lack, and negative self-worth
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beliefs, then it is a control game being played, a painful one at that. Additionally, what most people don’t know is that debt, in our current civilization’s money system, is designed to collapse for a certain number of its holders.
Before cash money was invented in it’s present form, people used to trade by barter. They would exchange goods and services. Finally, one day, a powerful merchant family such as the Medici family of Italy (powerful merchants and later bankers who ruled through influence between the 13th and 18th century) said, “We have another way we can do this. We can make promissory notes we shall call money. They are more convenient to carry than goods and gold.” The first paper money worked as follows. A trader would go exchange his or her goods for gold. They then take this gold to deposit it with the Medici, and the Medici write up a paper with their signature and family seal, a paper that would represent the gold that was deposited with them. This paper, upon return to the Medici, would be exchanged into its gold equivalent. That concept is where the gold standard came from.
Now let us look at debt. Imagine that the Medici have just opened up their first bank and announced the new scheme to the traders. So one trader, let us call him Alan, goes to the Medici and deposits $100 worth of gold. The Medici make up a paper saying that they promise to exchange that paper for $100 worth of gold upon its return (less a banking fee, plus an interest, whatever). Alan takes this paper and goes home. Alan can use this paper to buy things, but let us assume he does not. So far, he is the only customer at the Medici’s new bank. Now James, another person, wants to start a new business, a hotel. He has the land and building but needs some pots and pans. He does not have any goods to trade in exchange for pots and pans, but he hears that the Medici are giving “loans”.
So James goes to the Medici and asks for a $100 loan. The Medici say they can do that, but James has to pledge his land and building as a security, collateral, in case of default. The Medici make up money (money that did not exist) by writing up a new paper, sign and seal it, and give it to James. (Yes, they could just write up the money out of thin air, and as you will see soon, that is exactly how the Federal Reserve makes U.S. dollars, contrary to most people’s imagination that it is backed by something.) The condition is that on return, James has to give back $100 plus $10 interest. Now freeze that right there. Imagine that James and Alan are the Medici’s only two customers at the time. This means that the economy only has two paper notes out there, one with Alan and one with James. And James has to return his plus $10. Where will James get that $10, unless Alan comes and rents a room at James’ hotel for $10? The Medici did not print the extra $10! So even if James is hyper-careful with his loan, even if he does not spend it at all but returns it after a year, the $100 intact, it is physically impossible for him to pay the $10 interest. This is because he cannot print the extra $10 money and Alan does not want to spend his money at the hotel, yet Alan is the only one with the only other note printed! Do you see the error in this system? Even if James now has goods to trade, he cannot trade
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them for paper money because there is no more out there – and the Medici wants cash money or the collateral. James will have to lose his hotel to the Medici simply because of a paper shortage error. He has the original $100 they gave him because he did not spend it, but he cannot possibly get the $10 they want in addition as interest, because he can't print money nor does the only other person with bank notes want to stay at his hotel and pay cash. His hotel may be highly successful, renting rooms in exchange for goods, but he still would not have the printed paper for $10 that he has signed to give back to the Medici as interest. So his hotel would have to be seized by the bank. This example shows exactly how our modern civilization’s debt system works. But because there are millions of people playing this game, the players don’t realize there is a problem because only 8% of people are caught by this error (about 8% of all debts are un-payable). And those that are caught by this error think there is something wrong with them only – they never imagine that the system itself is flawed!
Debt, by its very nature, in our current financial system, is designed to fail for a certain percentage of the population, no matter how much effort or care they put. And it is so simply because there is not enough money created (printed) for the interest requested. The only reason this illusion has managed to run this far is that there are millions of players rotating the money and it looks like it works for most people, which makes the few it doesn’t work for look like something is wrong with them and not the system. Every now and then, the debt bubble bursts, but someone somewhere comes along and rescues it, again with more debt and more conditions of control. It happens to individuals, companies and countries. And it keeps rising, getting bigger and bigger.
So what? What does this mean to you? Simple. As you are about to see next, inappropriate use of debt is a function of control and fear. Unhealthy debt is a product of fear, and a deep-seated belief in not having and not being able to have. And fear is a means of control. We all play the control game. We play it with our spouses, family, friends, competitors, customers, and so on. What happens when you feel that you are in control of another person? You feel powerful, and they feel drained. Fear, were you to observe it at an energy level, leads to the victimizer literally (really) sucking the energy out of the victim. It is an energy game. When one is in fear, they lose energy to those who put fear into them. Isn’t that the way any abusive relationship works? It does not matter whether this relationship is between people, institutions or countries, or what the forms and symbols used are. Intimidation is an energy-sucking and draining game – like a vampire sucking the life out of its prey. This is not a metaphor – energy is literally sucked out of the victim and taken by the victimizer in an intimidation scenario. You can even observe this on an energy level. Fortunately, the victim has to choose to accept the draining for it to happen – and that is why in reality there really aren’t any ‘victims’ as such, just willing players in a co-created game.
Before we look at you further, let us consider the mortgage game that many of us play. Mortgage. What does that word mean? Where does it come from?
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Split it up and look at its origins. Mort, mortuary, morgue... do you see the root? Gage, engage. Engaged till death. Why would your house loan be called a name that has its word origins from the words that mean death and engagement? Why those two? Of all the millions of words, why those two?
Now let us get back to you and debt. What does debt make you feel; especially when you cannot pay it or you are worried about how to pay it or missing a payment? It makes you feel fear. Whatever is scaring you is attempting to control your thoughts and actions and is stealing your energy for its own growth. There are two ways to grow. Out of fear and out of love. The fear-based growth works, but it is destined for eventual collapse, simply because it is not real. Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing that is unreal exists but as an illusion. This is not the time to blame the issuers of debt, or anyone else for that matter. There is no judgment or guilt in the matter. Only energetic facts. The minute you start playing a blame and judgment game, you enter into a victim position, and that is no good for you. Nevertheless, the unhealthy type of debt is a function of fear and self-worth issues. You will find that people with more love of their own self, and high self-esteem, are very wealthy and prosperous, especially on the long-term, and if they choose to be. True Prosperity is a natural result of self-love and self-worth. Look at the rich. Even if they have debt, their asset column is longer than their debt column. They only use debt as a tool. And they always have more assets than debt. And what is their demeanor like? Confident, stable, of high self-worth and self-esteem, and their love column is often longer than their fear column. They may have fears, of course, but their fears do not outweigh their love and passion for who they are, what they do, the world they live in. These are the people who have acquired wealth through love, not fear. But of course, there are those who have acquired wealth through fear. Yes, you can get wealthy through fear, but that path is very hard, uses plenty of personal energy, requires much manipulation and perpetual juggling to maintain, and often requires the control of others. Wealth through fear is not only hard to come by, it is also not sustainable.
Now consider people with debt problems, or countries with debt problems. What is the personality of such people? Chaos, fear, never having enough, support issues, and so on. These do not arise because of debt. The debt arises because of these mental states. That is not a bad thing. Remember, we are not judging anything here. We are merely observing energetic facts. There is no need of tying a thought and an emotion to that fact. Now, the debt merely represents them losing their life energy to an external entity. But they only lose it because they accept to do so. They give it away. Only they can say, “I accept”. And only they can say “OK, I have had it with this crap, I put my foot down, and I am now seeing myself differently.”
The debt rope is always being thrown at us all the time. You don’t have to grab it. The world has built a very large global fear-ego, and this fear-ego is expressing itself in various physical means to maintain itself. Our world is now a world of contracts that try to commit you into debt (we now even have phone
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contracts that penalize you for not using the service for a certain amount of time!); credit cards that do the same; jobs that scare you towards that end. But none of these is to blame. Only you can accept them. And they can only work on you when you accept them. These apparently big bad monsters are actually just little rubber ducks, powerless shadows, because they depend on your agreement with them for their own functioning. Take responsibility, and you will find then, and only then, that you have response ability. And avoid these debt traps. You must unplug yourself from the group consciousness of fear, and join the Love Ones. It may be scary as you make the switch, for there is a gap to cross. Things may fall off to make space for new ones of the new way. But once you cross it you will wonder how you ever had agreed to live any other way.
There is nothing wrong with debt, when used as a tool. But when it arises, as it mostly does, from fear and negative self-worth beliefs, then it is a control game being played, a painful one at that. A game we created and continue to create.
Now that we have a foundational understanding of debt, let us see how the biggest debt-making machine works and why. The reason we are bothering with all this is that you have decided to be wealthy. With that decision comes the responsibility of becoming a person who understands and attracts wealth, and creating a system around you that supports your desire. We are all One, and you will notice that your freedom is tied to all our freedom and your wealth is tied to all our wealth. You can be independently wealthy and free, but the extent of that wealth and freedom and the ease at which you get it is intimately tied to the system you have set up and maintained around you, a system which comprises the rest of the world. So let us look at these systems...
The shocking truth about those who print your money and run your economy
Most people assume that the systems they live in have been set up purely for their interests by people who are saintly in their motives. While this is true in some cases, it is not always true. In fact, in many cases, it can be the complete opposite. If you live by default, doing what the masses do because it is the ‘done thing’, you will get the default results of the system, the results everyone else gets. But if you make a few small changes, you can live as you wish. Let us therefore look at the money system closer to see exactly what kind of a system it is and how you fit in.
We will be focusing on the Federal Reserve Bank and the U.S. money system, because most of the world is directly or indirectly driven by the Fed.
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The Constitution of the United States clearly states that only Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereof. Today, however, the money is actually created and regulated by a privately owned company that controls and profits by printing money through the Treasury, and regulating its value. What is the private company that prints U.S. dollars? It is the Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed). Most people think the Fed is a government arm. Its name is misleading. It says ‘Federal’ yet it is not federal at all. It is a fully private corporation. It also says ‘Reserve’, yet it has no reserves. As you will see, the money is printed literally and completely out of thin air, not backed by any value or gold (that ended decades ago when they abandoned the gold standard). It is one of the most secretive and controversial institutions today, the truth behind it becoming only recently clear to an increasing number of people.
The Fed began when, in 1914 and after trying to do so unsuccessfully several times before due to opposition, about 300 people and banks put together just $100 each and formed the Federal Reserve Banking System. These people and bankers formed and still form part of the top 2% of the world’s wealthiest and powerful people. The Fed is one of the most profitable companies in the world. It also collects billions of dollars in interest annually, interest charged to the U.S. government. The history of its formation is filled with controversy, with many experts having the opinion that Congress illegally gave the Fed the right to print money in ways contrary to the Constitution. This is how, in a nutshell, the Fed works: The Fed creates money from nothing, and loans it back to the U.S. and other governments, and charges interest on the currency (you will soon see more details on how this is done). It buys government debt with money it simply creates out of nothing, and charges interest to U.S. taxpayers.
The ownership of the Fed has always been kept a closely guarded secret. In fact, even their books and detailed accounts are kept secret. However, over time much has come to the open. On some of the last times the ownership of the Fed was investigated (because the Fed doesn’t publish a sufficiently detailed list of its owners), the following emerged as the main direct or indirect (through cross holdings etc) owners of the Federal Reserve Bank:
• Rothschild Bank of London
• Warburg Bank of Hamburg

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• Rothschild Bank of Berlin
• Lehman Brothers of New York
• Lazard Brothers of Paris
• Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
• Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
• Goldman, Sachs of New York
• Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
• Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
• Citibank
• Morgan Guaranty Trust
• Chemical Bank
• Manufacturers Hanover Trust
• Bankers Trust Company
• National Bank of North America
• Bank of New York

What is interesting is that these big banks work together in various aspects and they are connected to the old and established London Banking Houses ever since the beginning. There is only a small but powerful group of individuals who own significant shares in these banks. This gives them ownership of the Fed through their ownership of the banks that have shares in the Fed (the Fed’s shares are not publicly traded but are sold only to member banks).
The Fed system was set up in 1914 after several failed attempts. The bankers in favor of this system had always been opposed by the people and their leaders throughout the years, by presidents and congressional representatives alike. But in 1913, Senator Nelson Aldrich, the maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas during which time much of Congress was on vacation. According to
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some historians, the bankers also funded Woodrow Wilson’s campaign and when he became president, he passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1914, an act he is later on record as having regretted its passing.
In the past, money was backed by something of value such as gold. All paper money could be exchanged into a certain amount of gold upon its return to the bank. However, between 1931 and 1934, virtually all countries abandoned the gold standard. The power of gold as the standard for the international monetary system was further diminished in 1975 when the U.S. began selling some of its reserves on the world market, turning gold into a commodity. By 1975, the gold standard was virtually non-existent. Today, virtually no money is backed by anything real; it is simply printed out of thin air (actually most of it is simply created as a new record on a computer, remaining in thin air).
The U.S. budget is almost always in deficit. Almost every year, the budget has more costs than income. No individual would ever run their life that way, no corporation could possibly ever run that way, yet the government does this almost every single year. It seems to be able to perpetuate the impossible – forever in debt yet still strong. Do you know how this debt is financed? When the government runs a deficit, the Federal Reserve Bank – a private company - prints dollars (actually just makes up computer money and ‘wires’ it to the appropriate banks), “buys” the debt, and the dollars are circulated into the economy and the government then pays the Fed interest on that money. For example, in 1992, taxpayers paid the Fed $286 billion in interest. That would be all right except for the fact that this debt was “purchased” by printing money cost-free and out of thin air. This debt is passed on to the taxpayers to pay through real work and sweat. 40% of personal federal income taxes are spent on paying this debt and interest. What is even more interesting, other than the fact that the Fed is a private company that makes profit out printing, from nothing, the world’s money, is that the Fed’s books are closed to the public and are not audited by Congress.
Once the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the owners of the Fed moved quickly to purchase controlling interests in the media and financed a great proportion of the senators elected after that (as you will see, an un-proportionately high number of ex-presidents and senators are members of just one institution we will be talking about later). A few presidents, such as Lincoln,
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Jackson, and Kennedy, have tried to change this system but encountered too much opposition from other politicians, banks and corporations. By simply giving the task of printing U.S. dollars to the government itself, the money can be issued without anyone charging ‘interest’ for it, since it would be the government itself printing the money.
The Fed’s relationship with the government is very loose. As a private company, it is not required to disclose much to the public. It is run by a powerful group of people who are free from the usual restrictions of governmental checks and balances. Its Board of Governors is independent of the government and its governors hold office for far longer than any U.S. president does. It is also self-financing (actually it is one of the most profitable corporations in the world) and so does not rely on the national budget (the primary tool of control that Congress uses to influence agencies and other bodies). It operates outside of the national budget (in fact finances it) and so has monetary autonomy as well. In its task of regulating the money supply, it is completely independent of the government and is only ‘required’ to make decisions that will be in line with the nation’s economic policy.
The Federal Reserve Act was drafted in the Jekyll Island Conference, which was arranged for by powerful banking families, individuals and their corporations (such as J. P. Morgan Co., the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co). The ownership of the Federal Reserve at the top level has not changed much in the years with successive generations within the controlling families simply inheriting that ownership or extending it under a different company name.
The Federal Reserve System is actually ‘split’ up into several components. There are 12 regional Federal Reserve banks, the most powerful one by far being the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Each of these 12 Feds is organized as a private corporation, just like any other private corporation. The Federal Reserve System is controlled by the Board of Governors (the Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board has seven members who
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are appointed by the president of the United States and approved by the senate. The Board determines the interest rate for loans, sets the deposits reserve ratio which significantly affects a bank’s ability create new credit, and decides how much new currency Federal Reserve Banks will issue annually. The FOMC is made up of members of the Board, the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and four presidents from other regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC sets the open market policy which determines how much in government bonds the 12 Federal Reserve Banks (all private for-profit institutions) may buy or sell (this is the major tool of monetary policy). There is also a Federal Advisory Council that is comprised of 12 representatives, one from each of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. This council meets at least 4 times a year with the Board to advise it on and discuss general economic issues. To summarize, every single part of the Fed is private – they are all private for-profit corporations (the Fed is one of the most profitable corporation in the world). The only part of this system that is in any way ‘public’ is the Board, which comprises 7 people appointed by the U.S. president. The section below on the U.S. democracy poses a serious question on just how neutral the Board is. The Federal Advisory Council that advises the Board in at least 4 meetings a year, despite the use of the word ‘Federal’ in the name, is comprised of 12 bankers representing each of their private Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Banks themselves despite the use of the word ‘Federal’ in their name are not federal at all in any sense. And they no longer keep any reserves (the gold reserves we abandoned long ago and cash reserves don’t mean anything because cash is just printed out of thin air and can be printed anytime anyway).
Most people think the Federal Reserve is an agency of the government. No such agency relationship exists. The Fed is a fully private, self-financing and directing corporation.
The Board (of which Alan Greenspan is the current chair of) has the following main functions:
• Set open market policies (responsible for interest rate and money supply movements)
• Set the required cash deposits reserve ratio
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• Set the interest rate (called the discount rate)
• Set how much new currency to print (or make up on the computer as most of it is done actually)
• Monitor the economy and also report periodically to congress on the U.S. economy

The 12 regional Feds each have the following functions:
• Buy and sell government bonds in secondary markets (open market operations that are responsible for interest rate and money supply movements)
• Lend to member banks
• Give check-clearing services
• Enforce money deposit reserve requirements and other regulations of the member banks
• Monitor banking and economic activity in the region that they cover
• Issue Federal Reserve notes (money) and collect worn-out ones for destruction

Can you now see that the interest rate, money supply, inflation, and all these other factors are very much controllable by a very small group of people? Of course they are! That is why Alan Greenspan does his job. His job is to keep the economy going in a certain direction, and he manages that consistently for many years and that is why people find him so smart and powerful. The point is, he can and does shape the economy. That is his job. Now, in the minds of most people, the economy is some wild horse and Alan Greenspan is a heroic cowboy who somehow, somehow, smartly manages to tame the horse and direct it. But what if the horse wasn’t wild at all? What if it was very tame and always listened to the cowboy, but the cowboy tells everyone that the horse is actually wild (even though it is completely under his control). The point here is this: (1) the Board has proven itself able to direct the economy with a fairly high degree of accuracy and (2) this proves the economy is under the direction of the Board (otherwise the Board would be powerless and we wouldn’t even have it).
Now, and this is very important, the economy only looks to be out of control to those who are finding themselves in it but hurting. Did you get that? If you are jobless, you will think the economy is bad and out of control, because that is your personal experience. But that is looking at it from the bottom end. If you look at it from the top end, there is hardly any ‘out of control’ going on. And this is why: At the top, at the level where these bankers see things, they control exactly how much money is in the system (they make up and print the money at whatever level they deem fit – government has nothing to do with it since the 1914 law), they control the interest rates, the regulate cash deposit reserves (which
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determine how much credit/debt you are ‘allowed’ to have), and so on. So what part of the economy is a mystery to them? To you, the interest rate is a mystery and can move either way to end up hurting or helping you. But to them they can predict it better than you can predict the weather – because it is they that set up the rate. To you, you don’t even know what the money supply situation is or will be – but they do because they print the money. To you, you pay taxes, 40% of which go towards paying the government’s debt to the Fed – but they simply make up money from thin air and ‘loan’ it to the government (much of the national debt is money ‘owed’ to the private Fed). People think that Alan Greenspan is tackling some unknown monster and winning most of the time for the public. However there isn’t much in the economic equation that is unknown to him simply because he sets it all up and has all the tools necessary to make sure the plan work almost as planned (the tools in this case being the Fed system, banks, money press, monetary controls, etc). So just because the economy may look out of control for you, personally, or even for a few million people in hard labor, does not mean that, at the top level, it is out of control at all. It is very deliberately set – that is the point of the Board, to control the economy. The perspective is very important. The truth can look very different indeed depending on what perspective you use to observe it.
A considerable amount of effort is made to conceal the power and composition of the Fed. Naturally, considering that the owners of the Fed are private individuals (through banks they own) and also have huge stakes in corporations in all sectors of the economy especially in the media, pharmaceutical, food and defense industries, and considering that great profits can and are made by those who know what will be in the papers months in advance, secrecy is an asset. Even internationally, the Fed has an amazing amount of power. Consider, for example, the case of loans made to foreign governments. For example, let us see what happens when Indonesia runs to the Fed and asks for a $10 billion loan. The Fed will listen to the request. They will then directly and indirectly, through its influence on organizations such as the IMF, World Bank and U.S. government, set conditions and guarantees for the loan that Indonesia has to meet. They dictate how Indonesia has to run its economy, imports, currency exchange, and so on. They then give them the loan. Or more accurately, they log into their computer terminals, create $10 billion out of thin air, and ‘wire’ it to Indonesia’s bankers. That $10 billion is added to the U.S. expenditure and if, as it usually is, it is out of budget, it becomes a debt that the U.S. government owes the Fed and which the Fed collects interest on. Indonesia now owes the U.S. government, which in turn owes the Fed. But the money itself was made out of nothing. Now let us see how it is repaid back. The repayments are done by people of a completely different perspective. They
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believe money is real and actually equate money with work on a 1=1 basis. One part of the debt will be shouldered by Indonesia while the other part is shouldered by U.S. taxpayers (no wonder 40% of tax goes towards debt servicing). Indonesia will have to follow all the conditions set for it, open up its markets as per the wishes of the few powerful people who set them for their reasons, and its people will work and toil under the assault of international forces that wreck their traditional stability until they pay that debt and its increasing and huge interest. It is such an impossible debt to pay, almost, that debt of this kind is the single biggest consumer of a nation’s GDP for most developing countries. Most developing countries in all corners of the world have money-based problems that are increasing and independence diminishing despite the promises of globalization and democracy. Now back in the U.S., the debt is held by the government and owed to the Fed. So the U.S. government collects directly from Indonesia over time. Meanwhile, it has to pay back the Fed using taxpayer’s money. This doesn’t make sense because the Fed made up that money out of nothing and they didn’t get gold for it or anything like they used to – but that is the way the system is set up currently. So in effect, the Fed makes free money at their discretion, holds none of the risk, does none of the work (the people of Indonesia and America work and pay), and is in truth one of the most profitable corporations worldwide. Why shouldn’t it be? After all, it is the corporation with the monopoly of making and regulating U.S. dollars!
But they know two things that you or the Indonesian common person doesn’t. One is that money is not real. What they are interested in is power and influence, wealth and control over what is in fact real. Now that is real and it is what counts. The second, and most humorous, is that $1 is not equal to 1 banana or 1-hour work or whatever. You equate your time with money, and the local farmer in Indonesia may equate 1 banana with $1. So you will think, “If I work hard, I will multiply my money” and you never stopped to consider that billions of people work like donkeys all day lifting bricks and getting nowhere. Money is not a time/effort related thing. The result of time is time; the result of effort is effort. Wealth consciousness on the other hand is directly tied to your wealth. The Indonesian common farmer will think, “Oh, if I grow 1 banana I get $1, so to get a million dollars I must work hard and grow 1 million bananas.” Do you know how frustrating that game plan can be if one does not genuinely enjoy growing bananas? And if the weather goes bad or whatever, the plan goes off. The Fed on the other hand does not do things this way; it doesn’t produce money based on some real output it has. The Fed just looks around, sees what they deem is ‘best’ (remember also that they are private and for-profit, representing for-profit banks and corporations) and makes it happen almost exactly as planned with relatively little cost or work. It also helps that they are a monopoly, with sole discretion on these matters.
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Interestingly, several senators, presidents, and even local state representatives and citizen groups have in the past tried to get the Fed system changed. Most have tried to get the Fed act repealed and the government given back its constitutional power to print money. This would completely eliminate the ‘debt and interest’ that it ends up ‘owing’ the Fed for new money, take away most of the national debt, and cut taxes not by a few points but by many multiples. However, these attempts are always defeated and the media never covers them. It takes only 5% ownership in a major media corporation to have control (and you will be surprised to know how much media content is dictated rather than free press. America’s news coverage is very different from the type of coverage the rest of the world gets, and this is common knowledge especially to those who have traveled around significantly to see for themselves). The Fed has about 300 wealthy and powerful owners (not teachers, not doctors, not artists – just exclusively businesspeople). Just one of these 300, Chase Manhattan Bank, owned about 14% of CBS according to a 1974 congressional report (it actually had stakes in 28 broadcasting corporations). The remaining banks, through cross holdings and directorships, control just about all of the main media in the U.S. The banks themselves are controlled by this small group of about 300 people of which just a few families have the majority power. Do you know something else about the Fed? Unlike any other part of society responsible for the common good of the people (such as the government), you as a citizen cannot vote them out if they are not doing their job properly. You cannot even audit their books and work. You pretty much just have to do as they say. They are almost completely independent and immune – because the system you have accepted is set up that way.
Honestly and practically, just how democratic and free is U.S. democracy? What does that have to do with you, your wealth and abundance, and your choices?
"A democracy cannot be both ignorant and free" - Thomas Jefferson
True and lasting wealth and abundance is a product of love and freedom. Without freedom, you have no choice; without choice – well, you are limited. It is therefore important to test your freedom and see where its limits are, where it says one thing but delivers another and leaves you thinking quite another. In other words, really, are you free? And how free are you? And how much more
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freedom can you get? These questions all affect your wealth and abundance. Most people just assume automatically that they are free because the live in a democratic country. It is just an assumption; and even when contrary evidence exists, they hold onto the idea that they are free even when they are not. We will now test the actual performance of the “world’s greatest democracy”, the U.S., using actual facts and events, to see just how free (or not) it is, and how you fit in.
We will then look at the Federal Reserve issue one more time. Remember that the Fed’s Board is the only publicly appointed part of the whole Fed system. The whole Federal Reserve bank is comprised of bankers who also own large stakes in businesses all over America and the world (by some estimates, the top 2% of the world own, control or directly or indirectly influence about 75% of the world’s resources), businesses that they intend to profit from and gain more control through. The Board is the only part of the Fed that is ‘supposedly’ public – it is appointed by the U.S. president. This gives people the idea that, since it is appointed by the president, it must truly be free of any conflict of interest, and must be working 100% for the good of the public, even though it is advised at least 4 times a year by the most powerful bankers themselves. Well, in mathematics, there is no such thing as a zero probability. You cannot calculate a zero probability – which means that everything is possible. So it is possible that the Board is completely altruistic just as it is possible that it is not. The possibility does exist – you can even calculate it mathematically. Let us find some sort of answer. And to do so, we will take a quick look at the U.S. democratic system.
We will start with how the elections are done using facts, dollar values, and statistics, and then move on to other issues, finally returning to the issue of money. What you are about to see is that true democracy has not yet arrived on this planet – what we call democracy is not really democracy, and most of all very different from freedom. The founders of the United States put in place a constitution to bring in democracy, but somewhere along the way, it was hijacked, so to speak. What you now have is the exact same situation that has been going on in this planet for the last 10,000 years since 8,000 B.C. – the ‘mighty’ ruling the ‘weak’ through simple means of deception. Each time the truth is known, the ‘weak’ realize that it is only their lack of information that is keeping them under, and things change. Usually, the ‘mighty’ adopt a new deception tactic which is used until the next revolution, s to speak. That is the history of the world, a history that has repeated itself for millennia, and it is not ridiculous to think that this has not stopped. Democracy by definition is the idea that the majority rule. Majority rule. Not minority, but majority. Now, even if democracy was happening perfectly and the majority did rule, that would still not amount to true freedom because the minority would be ‘forced’ to forgo their wishes and follow the majority. In other words, if 75% of the population believed the earth was flat, and 25% believed it was round, the 25% would be, in some areas of life, forced to live as if it was flat even when they could have lived according to their truth. So, democracy does not amount to true freedom that recognizes the sovereignty and divinity of every sentient being. But that is another topic all
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together. For now, let us look at various issues and see just how democratic (majority rule) the United States really is.
Let us first look at the link between money and elections. What you will see is that elections are extremely predictable and follow a pattern that, once you learn to recognize it, can be used to have the outcome you want roughly 90% of the time. (Note: most of the data used in the charts below is obtained from (the Center for Responsive Politics) and the watch group Be patient with the series of charts below, as the point will become clear towards the end. But basically, you will see directly and clearly how, once you know how to ‘work the system’, you can, with enough money, literally put the people of your choice in control of the entire United States. This sounds almost unbelievable because the idea of taking over the world’s greatest democracy just sounds too ridiculous. But what if it isn’t? What if it can be done, what does that say about the Fed’s choices, the economic waves, and your very own goals to be wealthy within this system? How does that affect you and your efforts? What if the current system was wasting away over 40% of your personal efforts, compounded annually (which turns out to be millions of dollars in a lifetime), because you were unaware? Have a look for yourself. We will start at a simple place, at senate and house elections, constructing a wholesome picture, and move towards the point.
Once you are in, you can relax: It is amazing how predictably inflexible the system is:
In 2002, 98% of House incumbents (those already holding a seat) and 85% of Senate incumbent were re-elected. Through the connections and loyalties that they have formed while in office, the incumbents are also able to raise far more in campaign funds than the challengers (a major reason for the re-election rates). The U.S. House re-election rate has been at over 90% for the last two decades. In the last 20 years, it was at its lowest point in 1970, when, if you were a House member already, you would have had an 85% chance of being re-elected.
Odds of beating a US House incumbent based on spending by the challenger in 1994 elections:

Spending by Challenger Odds of Winning
Under $100,000 0
$100,000-$249,999 18:1
$250,000-$499,999 6:1
$500,000 & over Even

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Odds of beating a US House incumbent based on spending by the challenger in 2000 elections:

Spending by Challenger Odds of Winning
Under $500,000 0
$500,000-$1 million 24:1
$1 million - $1.5 million 15:1
Over $1.5 million 3:1

The cost of beating a US House incumbent:
Money raised in 2002 election cycle:

Type of Candidate Total Raised Number of Candidates Average Raised
Incumbent $191,520,090 33 $5,803,639
Challenger $71,945,307 71 $1,013,314
Open Seat $106,411,603 42 $2,533,610

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Type of Candidate Total Raised Number of Candidates Average Raised
Incumbent $379,117,215 422 $898,382
Challenger $96,037,295 486 $197,608
Open Seat $162,659,152 391 $416,008

Spending vs. Winning stats for 2000 election cycle:

Average Winner Spent $7,266,576
Average Loser Spent $3,864,638
Number of Incumbents Seeking Reelection 29
Number of Incumbents Reelected 23
Incumbents Reelection Rate 79%
Average Winner Spent $840,300
Average Loser Spent $307,121
Number of Incumbents Seeking Reelection 403
Number of Incumbents Reelected 394
Incumbents Reelection Rate 98%

Biggest Contributions in the 2002 Elections for Senate candidates (notice the composition of the contributors in this list):

Contributor Total Recipient
Goldman Sachs $585,870 Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ)
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Emily's List $500,389 Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich)
Emily's List $494,211 Jean Carnahan (D-Mo)
Emily's List $426,645 Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Goldman Sachs $331,600 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
Emily's List $297,753 Barbara Boxer (D-Calif)
Citigroup Inc $261,416 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
MBNA Corp $253,250 William V. Roth Jr. (R-Del)
MBNA Corp $171,000 Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine)
Robins, Kaplan et al $159,516 Michael V. Ciresi (D-Minn)
Bear Stearns $157,750 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $157,500 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
Microsoft Corp $153,360 Slade Gorton (R-Wash)
Credit Suisse First Boston $148,544 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
Emily's List $147,302 Rebecca Yanisch (D-Minn)
Credit Suisse First Boston $146,750 Rudolph W. Giuliani (R-NY)
MBNA Corp $133,000 Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-NY)
Bear Stearns $132,400 Chris Dodd (D-Conn)
Merrill Lynch $127,900 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
Kushner Companies $126,000 Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) $124,588 Walter F. Mondale (D-Minn)
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MBNA Corp $121,500 Arlen Specter (R-Pa)
Mandalay Resort Group $115,800 John Ensign (R-Nev)
Fidelity National Financial $115,400 Matt Fong (R-Calif)
Blank, Rome et al $111,600 Arlen Specter (R-Pa)
Citigroup Inc $108,664 Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-NY)
Altheimer & Gray $107,600 Gery J. Chico (D-Ill)
Lehman Brothers $107,000 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
Equitable Companies $105,350 Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-NY)
Citigroup Inc $101,900 Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)

General public contributions for 2002 election cycle:
The big corporations and the wealthy throw in large sums of money towards their candidate’s election. They do so because they know for sure it works. It is actually a race of who has the most money, in a sense. Interestingly, however, the general U.S. population is very non-participative. First, often only about 12% of Americans, on average, vote. The percentage that contributes any money to the proposed candidates (notice the use of the word ‘proposed’ instead of chosen, because the public often have nothing to do with choosing the proposed candidates) is even smaller, as this data shows:
Total US Population (Nov 13, 2002) 288,491,797
Total US adult population (age 18+) 214,381,817
% of US population giving $200+ 0.23%
% of US population giving $1,000+ 0.09%
% of US adult population giving $200+ 0.30%
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% of US adult population giving $1,000+ 0.12%
Political parties: How much they collect every election:
It is not only candidates that can collect donations for elections. Political parties also collect plenty of money every election cycle - from individuals, lobby groups and corporations. Here are the amounts collected for the 2001-2002 period for the parties only (without counting the presidential candidates amounts):
Democratic Party $463,312,470
Republican Party $691,646,873
This is over $1 billion in total.
By the way, when congress people retire, their political campaign funds are not taxed.
George Bush’s Network:
An examination of the current U.S. president’s election funding reveals how the system works from a certain perspective.
George Bush raised $191 million in campaign funds in his last election in 2000, followed by Al Gore with $133 million, with the remaining candidates trailing far behind.
Bush was the major recipient of all campaign funds from the oil and gas industry, receiving more money from that industry in that year alone than any other federal candidate in the last decade. The biggest companies in that industries to contribute in terms of dollar value were Texas-based, the biggest being, yes, Enron. Interestingly, other energy industries also spent heavily on Bush, beating all their election-spending records by huge leaps. The electric and coal industries all spent heavily on the elections and on Bush in particular (the coal industry spent 3 times what it spent the last elections before that). Bush was also the top recipient of the nuclear power industry’s generous contributions. In this same election, as you may expect, the alternative energy industry (wind,
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geothermal and solar energy) backed Al Gore, although their funds were dwarfed by those of the oil, coal and electricity industries.
Now let us see how Bush’s administration looks like. Remember, we are talking about a democracy here. One would expect that in a democracy, you would tend to find the most suitable people, from all walks of life, leading a country. You would expect to find teachers, doctors, artists, musicians – and so on. After all, each major group would tend to elect its representatives. So you would expect to find representatives from various groups (not just business groups). Well, let’s see how Bush’s administration measures up. As you will see, by some ‘coincidence’, there is little randomness in it.
Most of Bush’s administration, the people who run America, have three things in common: (1) almost all of them have extensive corporate connections; (2) some are the exact same ones that were there when his father was president, the old group getting back together again; (3) most of them have been friends for a very long time and done business together. Also, a good number of them are ex-intelligence, military or state department (a military slant, if you like, and completely lacking representatives of other occupations and lifestyles that normally compose the public). Out of a population of almost 290 million Americans, in a democratic society where you might expect some randomness is the backgrounds of the top leadership, how ‘coincidental’ is it that only a group of old friends who happen to be well connected in big business and intelligence/military (and hardly from any of the other thousands of lifestyles) has been ‘elected and appointed to represent the people’? Let us look at George Bush’s cabinet, advisors and ambassadors:
President George Bush's Incoming Cabinet:

Cabinet Position Cabinet Official Corporate Connections
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman Monsanto, Pharmacia, Calgene
Attorney General John Ashcroft AT&T, Monsanto, Microsoft, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Schering-Plough
Commerce Secretary Don Evans Tom Brown Inc. (oil & gas), TMBR/Sharp Drilling
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Pharmacia, Motorola, Sears, G.D. Searle, newspaper giant Tribune Company (L.A. Times and Chicago Tribune), Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Kellogg, Asea Borwn Boveri, Allstate, Gulfstream Aerospace
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Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham GM, Ford, Lear
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson Amtrak, Philip Morris, GE, Merck, Abbott Laboratories
Interior Secretary Gale Norton Brownstein Hyatt & Farber, Delta Petroleum, NL Industries, BP Amoco, Ford Motor Company
Labor Secretary Elaine Chao Northwest Airlines, Clorox, C.R. Bard, HCA-The Healthcare Company, Dole Food, Bank of America
Secretary of State Colin Powell Gulfstream, America Online
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta Lockheed Martin; Northwest Airlines; Greyhound; United Airlines; Union Pacific; Boeing
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill Alcoa, International Paper, Lucent Technologies
Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi Federal Network, QTC Medical Services, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Schering-Plough Corp., Ford Motor Company, Qualcomm Inc.

It is interesting to see how many conflicts of interest this cabinet posses. Normally, you would expect that the best person for agriculture would run agriculture; the best for commerce would get that job, and so on. But it is nothing like that. For example, the Health and Human Services Secretary is meant to represent the people’s health for betterment, yet he has a vested interest in Philip Morris, a company that profits hugely from making and selling products that reduce health. The Agriculture Secretary is meant to look after the well-being of American agriculture and the food of the people, yet she has a vested interest in Monsanto and Pharmacia. Monsanto is one of the most controversial multinational, raising hairs in Europe and Japan for its forceful attempt to bring in genetically modified foods that aren’t fully tested and causing U.S. grain to be rejected from those continents. It is responsible for the widespread release of non-adequately tested genetically modified foods into the environment and has a huge trail of environmentalists, policy makers, affected farmers and consumers very upset about its actions. There is no shortage of bad press for Monsanto’s
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dangerous practices, were you to look it up on the Internet. Monsanto now wants the government to push for no mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods worldwide and access to international markets. In addition to that, everyone agrees that the chemicals put into our soils are at the root cause of many of today’s illnesses and health problems (because the toxins move up the food chain from the plants, into the animals and into people), especially cancer. It is therefore strange that the biggest chemical producers would be the ones to have their person in charge of agriculture for the nation. It isn’t unreasonable to question which interest these people serve, knowing fully well that there is a conflict of interest. For example, how much motivation would they have to find a free and cheap way for farmers to have healthy crops without the use of the chemicals they now encourage them to spray? The Commerce Secretary, Don Evans, is also in charge of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which puts him in direct control over the country’s oceans areas, where 25% of U.S. domestic oil and 26% of its natural gas come from. Don Evans has been one of Bush’s best friends for years and actually ran his campaign-funding vehicle. His connection with Texas oil businesses is substantial. The Energy Secretary, Spencer Abraham, was the single biggest recipient of campaign funds from the automotive industry (received over $700,000) and the lobby group that opposes setting fuel economy regulations. Colin Powell served on the boards of Gulfstream (Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are major markets for this company) and AOL. His AOL shares rose $4 million on its merger with Time Warner. Interestingly, his son Michael Powell was the only FCC commissioner who voted to have the AOL-Time Warner merger go through without review. Michael Power was recently appointed by George Bush as the FCC chairperson. The Treasury Secretary was heavily funded and worked in the largest transport companies. Once again, there is nothing wrong with corporations, but keeping in mind that corporations are always trying to do whatever will keep them bigger, control more market share and make them more money, it is hard to see how the interests of the public would be considered paramount and transparently with the current government arrangement. Paul O'Neill, the Treasury Secretary, was Alcoa’s CEO and Chairman. Alcoa’s lobbyist, the Texas law firm Vinson & Elkins, was George Bush’s number 3 contributor. While Bush was Texas’ governor, Alcoa secured a legal loophole that allowed it to dump 60,000 tons of sulfur dioxide into the air annually, making it one of the state’s top polluters.
President Bush's Advisors:

Position Advisor Corporate Connections
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card GM
Director of the Office of Mitch Daniels Eli Lilly, Citigroup,
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Management and Budget General Electric, Merck
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Chevron (Chevron actually named a 130,000-ton oil tanker after her), Charles Schwab, Transamerica

Oil and finance companies influencing national security policies is what we have here. The point of this investigation is not to say that corporations are ‘bad’. Not at all. They have an interest in expansion and profit, we all know that. But the point here is that it is, in many people’s opinions, not a good idea to have corporations and only corporations be the main controllers of government ideas with such powerful force. The people are not represented at all in this government, and they cannot because of the way things have been set up (more on this later).
President Bush's ambassadors:
(The best positions, for years, have not gone to who is best for the job, but to who gave money during the campaign – hardly a model for efficiency and transparent functionality. Notice that the list hardly has positions filled by people who didn’t contribute. Instead of ambassadorial jobs going to people who have proven their diplomacy and world cooperativeness, the best ones of them go to whoever gave money.)

Nominee To All Republicans To All Democrats Only to Bush
AUSTRALIA $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
J. Thomas Schieffer
AUSTRIA $137,450 $0 $6,000
W.L. Lyons Brown
BAHAMAS $32,000 $0 $7,000
Richard Blankenship

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BELGIUM $413,830 $0 $108,000
Stephen Brauer
BELIZE $3,750 $0 $2,000
Russell Freeman
CHINA $24,000 $0 $3,000
Clark Randt, Jr.
COSTA RICA $21,000 $0 $1,000
John Danilovich
CZECH REPUBLIC $61,500 $0 $9,000
Craig Stapleton
DENMARK $182,600 $0 $9,000
Stuart Bernstein
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC $23,000 $0 $3,000
Hans Hertell
FINLAND $107,750 $0 $6,000
Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
FRANCE $399,359 $0 $114,000
Howard Leach
GERMANY $3,500 $0 $0
Daniel Coats
HUNGARY $125,000 $0 $29,000
Nancy Brinker

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INDIA $1,000 $0 $1,000
Robert Blackwill
IRELAND $480,100 $11,000 $112,000
Richard J. Egan
ITALY $127,600 $0 $107,000
Melvin Sembler
JAMAICA $139,250 $0 $17,000
Sue Cobb
JAPAN $20,250 $0 $1,000
Howard Baker
Peter Terpeluk
MALTA $36,411 $1,000 $10,000
Anthony Gioia
MAURITIUS $585,181 $0 $120,000
John Price
MOROCCO $3,200 $250 $1,000
Margaret Tutwiler
NETHERLANDS $299,700 $3,000 $109,000
Clifford Sobel
NEW ZEALAND $42,000 $0 $6,000
Charles J. Swindells
NORWAY $181,735 $1,250 $32,935

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John Ong
PORTUGAL $166,850 $1,000 $9,000
John Palmer
SAUDI ARABIA $2,500 $0 $1,000
Robert W. Jordan
SINGAPORE $4,500 $0 $3,000
Frank Lavin
SLOVAK REPUBLIC $45,250 $0 $8,000
Ronald Weiser
SPAIN $134,000 $1,000 $107,000
George Argyros
SWEDEN $365,200 $2,000 $102,000
Charles Heimbold
SWITZERLAND $456,173 $0 $111,973
Mercer Reynolds
TANZANIA $30,500 $0 $7,500
Robert Royall
UNITED KINGDOM $142,875 $1,000 $107,000
William S. Farish
URUGUAY $37,325 $2,250 $4,000
Martin Silverstein

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President Bush’s re-election campaign:
By December 2003, Bush had raised over $100 million, a few times more than his closest rival had, and all from just over 300 individuals bundling contributions together for him. These individuals now include people such as Thomas Nassif of the Western Growers Association, lobbyists Charles and Judy Black, William McGuire who is CEO of United Health Care Group, and Warren Staley who is CEO of the agribusiness giant Cargill Inc.. Bush is able to raise such record-braking amounts from a small group of people because he has shown that he is willing to get their needs taken care of. In exchange, because the elections are almost entirely won based on money expenditure (statistically speaking, looking at past trends), these people ensure by their dollars that he is elected. The industries to benefit most from Bush’s re-election, due to changes in the law that he proposes to make, would be the pharmaceutical (no limits on drug costs for the Medicare system so the companies can charge as they wish), agribusiness (genetically-modified foods, subsidies, etc), and energy industries (repeal or lessen pollution restrictions).
A summary of the cycle of the world’s current democracies
“We are free, we live in a democracy!” In democracies around the world – U.S., U.K., Kenya, Australia, and almost every other country that calls itself a democracy – people say they are free because of their democratic government. They believe they are. Yet, you often hear the complaining about having no choices in their lives, which completely contradicts their supposed freedom. Anyway, we will take a quick look at how democracies work. And we will use the U.S. as the example, once again, because it is the model on which most others are founded.
Before we begin, it is important to mention that the noble and just declarations of the Constitution are extremely admirable. The founding fathers of the U.S. had a very high vision for humanity and freedom. But let us now see whether that vision was translated correctly or somehow hijacked along the way.
The U.S. has two main political parties. The Democrats and the Republicans. The truth is that the last time a U.S. president came from any other party except one of these two was in 1835. 1835 was the last year a non-Democrat and non-Republican sat in the White House. 1835. He left the White House in 1835. This means that, the way things are set up now, in this free country, to have any chance of being president you must be a member of one of these two parties. Otherwise, your chances are next to zero.
OK. Now, each of these two parties has its own set of core beliefs and the way it does things. Nothing much changes really. Within each party, there isn’t
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much argument on major philosophies of the party – only on details. So in essence, what you have is two parties representing two ideologies that both fit within the current system. There is little chance for growth and change there; maintenance of the system is what these two parties have been doing. Now, for presidential elections, each of these two parties puts up one or a few candidates. Question: do you think you can just join either party tomorrow, and then the next day run for presidency with any hope for their support? No. You have to grow up and be groomed within the party. You have to agree with them on various things, gain support from the lobby groups that finance them, and so on. You have to believe in and represent your party almost as if you were an extension of it.
Every election year, these two parties just show up one day to the American people and effectively say, “Which one of these two guys do you want to run your country for the next 4 years?” And then they start spending crazy amounts of money promoting their candidates, advertising, winning attention. Now, every year, about 12% of Americans vote. We have also seen that only less than 1% of common people contribute to the candidates (the vast bulk of the money comes from just a few hundred ultra-wealthy donors). The others don’t participate at all in this democracy – maybe because, deep within, none of the candidates really made a connection to them through shared values.
Anyway, 12% of the population end up voting for one of the two or three candidates presented to them. They did not even choose a candidate themselves. They don’t even know who the candidate was up until that point. In fact, the way the system is set up, it is impossible for them to choose their own candidate – the system is too split up, complicated and hidden to ordinarily allow for a common person to stand up and reach the masses, and for the masses to put that person in the race, bypassing the two political parties structure. Anyway, the 12% vote for one of the two candidates and parties based on what they have been told through the media (their primary source of ‘information’). And you have a president. As we saw earlier, the president is, by many accounts, selected and financed by the wealthy businesses (the fact is, they select who to give money to based on that person giving them what they want, and the best-financed candidate usually wins – and anyway the two candidates are almost always financed by big business interest groups). The current system binds the candidates to returning favors to those who financed them because this is the only way to get elected and re-elected.
Now let us see how the laws are made within these democracies. How many laws do you live under? Thousands. We all live under thousands of laws. Now, in your lifetime, how many of those laws have you written, proposed, voted on, or been consulted upon? For the vast majority of people, the answer is none. None. And do you have any friends or relatives that have written any of those laws, or proposed them, been consulted, or voted on them? Most people would say no. So in a system of majority rule (democracy), how is it that you are living under laws you never wrote or voted for? And if they are being written, someone must be writing them. And if it isn’t the majority participating in those law-making
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stages, it is the minority. Which minority? Well, in the U.S. it is the senate, house, president, and advisors. Are there any legitimate laws proposed by majority groups and brought to senate? Yes, of course there are laws made that truly represent the majority view. Are there any that are manipulated in by special interest groups and passed as law for the masses? Yes, there are plenty of laws passed that in no way serve the majority and only serve a powerful minority (that is part of the whole point of spending vast amounts of money for a candidate).
So now, we have a democracy where the candidates are usually chosen for the people rather than the people choosing for themselves. They come from just two political parties – two schools of thought – a very rigid structure. Then, just 12% of the nation votes – a 12% that fits very predictable demographic and psychographic profiles that can be targeted very well through media. Even mathematically speaking, this would not pass as a scientific sample of any population. It is very biased and imbalanced. You cannot conduct a scientific survey like this – it would be rejected. It is not a reasonable sample of a population. Yet, the term majority rule is loosely applied to it. The vast un-represented public doesn’t even bother participate because they have no place to even begin.
And now we connect all this with you.
You live in a system. The system has defaults and exceptions. If you live by default, you will experience the default states of the system. If you live by your own code, you will experience your own results.
In this system, there are laws and structures that put everyone ‘in their place’ within the system. This is the default of the system.
You are under thousands of laws, of which you had nothing to do with the creation of most. You just wake up every day and get your new laws issued to you on TV during news. You accept them as the truth about the way things are – not realizing that your acceptance is what makes them come alive. Millions of people do that simultaneously across the country, all watching the same TV news program, and a new law comes into effect because each one of you just didn’t question it. This works almost all the time. You are predictable in your response. You just believe it is for your own good, or that you can't change it, and you do as told, becoming the default. You have given away your power to experience your own truth and make up your own mind. Original thought is replaced by rehashing what you have been told. Once you make a habit out of this, you become predictable. You even forget how to have original thought that is not tainted by your past experience (which was also tainted by other people’s past experiences). Advertising works and it works because of this reason – predictable, trained response to certain scenarios. Companies spend millions of dollars on one 30-second appearance of an ad during the Super Bowl because they know it works. As an individual, you don’t want to admit that adverts and media influence your behavior strongly, yet you can admit that the population is
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influenced. Nobody wants to admit that they are influenced. But don’t you make up part of the population?
In this system, you have a government. We have seen how it becomes elected, and how the results are shaped. This government also decides on who prints your money. Yet those who print your money have a hand at electing your government. Your government also sets your education curriculum up. You cannot legally study outside of the education system framework set up. You must follow the system. Even the corporations where you get your ‘jobs’ force you to have followed the education system. Who writes the education system? The government (which is elected through corporate power). This education system tells you how to live your life, how to get jobs, what you are worth, what you should do and think. It prepares most people for jobs – for dependence. Few walk out of it and start self-reliant enterprises. Which is odd when you consider that each human being has a unique thumb print, unique mind, and unique everything. So each being would, if he or she followed their hearts, produce in a unique and thus self-reliant way. As long as they don’t try to conform to one way of doing things for everybody, logic tells you they would be able to do what they love and be self-reliant in it because no one else would be able to duplicate them. If fact, we all know of someone who succeeded wildly by doing what they love and doing it their way with persistence. Everything in nature is unique and self-reliant. Only we human beings require employment to live! Don’t you find that strange? No other creature in nature requires employment to live. Self-reliance is the natural state of all beings for they are extensions of the Almighty Creator, all part of the One. So, your education system is written and maintained as is by the government. Its effects as we see them are the majority walking out programmed to look for jobs and scared to death of being self-reliant. Correlate this with the fact that 2% of the world’s most powerful people own, influence or control about 75% of the resources in use, resources that need people to work them, and you may see a pattern there. And correlate this with the fact that they also have a hand at the government set up and the money supply and printing, and you may see another pattern there. This is not an attempt to point to any one conspiracy or anything. This is not a conspiracy theory. No. But the facts as they are show us that there are people who are aware and those who are not. And those who are aware have goals, some with very large global goals, which they pursue. Some goals may be noble and some not. And nothing is impossible. And the laws of cause and effect always work. No matter how ridiculous the situation itself sounds, they work. What is amazing about the education system is that everybody knows that it trains people to know certain facts but leaves them unprepared for the world. Everybody says, “Why don’t they teach us how to make money, how to live with other people, basics of humanity?” And everybody knows that the leaders of the nation read self-development books and materials, because they work. For example, the book Think and Grow Rich has been a classic must-read for the most powerful people ever since the 1930s. Yet none of its principles ever made it into the education system, even though the leaders know the principles very well because they read that book and apply it. The knowledge you would pay thousands of dollars for in a weekend seminar is so
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simple yet empowering, but no one ever puts it into the education curriculum. Why? Did you know that, for all of humanity’s history, powerful civilizations have always been led by a small group of people, families or dynasties? All over the world, this same pattern has been in place since 8,000 B.C. Always, the one thing that differentiated the masses under control with the controllers was always a lack of awareness, a withholding of knowledge. Has this pattern stopped, or are we in delusion? As you can see, there is never anyone to blame as such. The masses have to accept the delusion for it to work. So the idea of victim and victimizer is inaccurate, although fairness, in human terms, may not be present.
The whole point of all this is to show you that if you live by default, within the system, you will get the default results of the system. Awareness and making your own choices is the only way you can have your own results. But there is more. You can extend your own wealth and freedom by helping others see theirs, and by adjusting your system to make it more efficient and easier for you. For example, let us look at how your taxes are spent. You pay about 40% of your income to the government as tax. That is considering all the taxes you pay including sales tax, duties, personal taxes, and so on. About 40% of your personal income tax goes towards paying the national debt (completely unnecessary if the government exercised its constitutional right to buy back the Fed for just $450 million and print its own usury-free money). Even worse, consider the U.S. military budget. The U.S. spends $1.03 billion on military expenditure per day! The whole world including the U.S. spends $3 billion per day on the military. The U.S. makes a handgun every 20 seconds (and guess who owns the gun factories). All this is done in the name of peace. The means of war are the means of war, and the means of peace the means of peace. You cannot confuse the two and think one will create the other. You cannot use the means of war to make peace. Cause and effect dictate it to be impossible. Peace is only achieved when people choose peace, truly, in their hearts and mind. The more weapons you make, the cheaper they get and the more available they become. Just like faxes and mobile phones. At one time, very few people had nuclear weapons. Now anyone with $100,000 can get a small one in the black market. You can buy an AK47 assault rifle in Afghanistan for $15. The more you make of anything, the cheaper and more available it becomes. You cannot increase peace by spending more on the military – you simply guarantee conflict that way. Simple economics. (By the way, every time there is a war, the national debt increases and the Federal Reserve Bank is owed more by the taxpayer). Let us see how this war chest works, the results it achieves. The U.S. is now the only ‘first world country’ in the bottom 25 of the list of murders per capita per country (it is the 23rd most murderous country per capita in the world). For example, in the 1990s, New York City alone had 2,000 murders per year and over 600,000 serious felonies per year. The U.S. also has more prisoners than any other country. It has 2 million prisoners, who are mostly imprisoned in jails owned by corporations, which charge the government over $30,000 per inmate per year, which is a $60 billion a year business imprisoning people. It supplies most of the world’s arms. It has, in recent history since the end of WWII, through the CIA, toppled 20 democratically elected foreign governments and replaced them with
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military leaders or appointed dictators, all in the name of achieving U.S. interests – a position that has made many in the rest of the world anti-U.S. The U.S. military is also the world’s biggest polluting entity by far, spewing over 750,000 tons of toxic waste a year (that is more than the 5 largest chemical companies in the U.S. combined). Because it is spread all over the world, it pollutes the entire planet. In addition to this, extensive U.S. bomb tests, nuclear tests, and other exercises have left many places in the world contaminated by nuclear, explosive and bio-welfare agents. The U.S. navy’s new sonar applications are also responsible for the beaching of hundreds of whales worldwide due to ear and brain damage. And all this looking for peace? And don’t you think these inefficiencies are affecting your ability to have wealth and be free? If you are financing $1.03 billion per day in self-destructive military expenditure, plus almost another billion per day in interest repayments on the national debt, plus many other inefficiencies, don’t you see how it can have a significant effect on you? $1.03 billion per day is enough to guarantee the well-being of everyone on the planet, at which point they would be in a very good position to work towards true peace and prosperity. As it is right now, this money is simply going to create more cheap weapons. Just changing the military expenditure and issuing of currency (have the government issue it instead of a private institution that then charges interest to the government) would cut your taxes by an incredible amount. In fact, this alone makes a flat 10% tax rate completely practical. You are over-taxed, currently, spending 40% of your income, in one way or another, in tax to finance frameworks and ideologies you may not even be in support of. Truly, you are not even free to choose where your tax money goes and how much tax rate you pay either. These are decided for you in your free democracy. This is just one example of how the system you live in affects you, and how you can only not be affected by having more awareness of your Inner Truth (not awareness of the media) and be willing to act on it.
What people have yet to realize is that democracy is not necessarily freedom. Democracy simply means majority wins. Even the dictionary defines it as that. Majority rules. Majority of what? People? Money? Right now, it is money. So the one with the most money rules. The golden rule, right now, is that the one with the most gold rules. You find this applying in almost all democracies. Even in ‘poor third-world countries’, money is always used to ensure the results of elections. Majority rules. Democracy. Interesting concept. Freedom, on the other-hand, is freedom for all. It is the recognition of the sovereign divinity of each being, and each being recognizes the sovereign divinity within other beings. Within that simple boundary, each being is free to do as they like. In other words, you are free to be free, to deal with your own consciousness, to live and let live. And so is everyone else. The idea that one is free because they live in a democracy is a contradiction. Look up the words freedom and democracy in a dictionary:
• Freedom: The condition of being free; the power to act, speak, or think without externally imposed restraints.

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• Democracy: The doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group.

Find your freedom within you. You are built with it. Just like, as all of life, you are built with self-reliance capabilities. You can be wealthy and free through many means and for varying periods of time, but you most easily and effectively do so with your own inner power, wealth and freedom. Everyone has that. You cannot blindly rely on the system – you can't wait for the government to do it all for you. You will simply become a default output if you do that. The government has pluses and minuses. There are parts of it that can help you on your path and parts that can hinder you. But at the end of the day, you have to stand up for yourself. You have the inherent uniqueness and capability to! Humans are still evolving. We are not even civilized yet (can you imagine a civilized society that somehow gets innocent children at birth and manages to turn them into people full of fears, children who shoot each other?); we are only just learning to use our reasoning capabilities; we are a race at the adolescent stage of evolution. Democracy is not the end stage – it was simply a stepping-stone to something bigger. Freedom.
Can you be a president, senator or house representative? How much would it cost?
Yes, you can be. Of course, you can. Perhaps, even, you are the best person for the job! But under the current system, the way the ‘democracy’ is organized, even if you were the best person for the job you would, statistically speaking, not usually stand a chance unless you could raise at least $900,000 in campaign cash to spend in a house election, $5,000,000 for a senate election, and about $100 to $200 million for presidency (that is the same as raising $270,000 to $540,000 per day, everyday, for one year). To get a sense of how much money is involved consider the fact that in 1976 the candidates and parties spent $160 million on the presidential elections, $1.2 billion in the 2000 elections, and an estimated $4 billion in the 2004 coming elections. The only way you can come up with $100 million, better yet $200 million to assure presidency, would be to have the support of wealthy interest groups. Public finance limits you by law, to $45 million if you choose to accept public finance help. So the question then remains what is to happen to the best person for the job if they have no money and don’t see things the way the big corporations, wealthy business owners and lobby groups see them. The current system has proven that the rule of the game, rather than the exception, is that if you don’t have the support of big corporations, wealthy business owners and lobby groups, you will not even have a chance of holding the major public offices. If that, then is the case, why is it still called a democracy, whereby the definition of a democracy is a system where the majority rule (not the ultra-rich and powerful minority as it is now). There are other names for minority rule. And minority rule by any other name is still minority rule – you can dress it up all you want but it is the results of the system that shows what the system really is. Presidential candidates spend so much time in New York, Los Angeles and Washington because donors from just 10 zip codes
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in those three cities gave over $122.5 million in the 2000 election. The presidents who raise the most have an advantage, a huge one, almost a guarantee to win. So they are compelled to spend much of their time campaigning and making promises to a very small segment of the population (the ultra-rich) because, for the intent of being elected, the rest of the population just about doesn’t count (they don’t contribute money nor vote – the system doesn’t interest them or involve them at their level).
Just to show you the extent of influence that the corporations quietly have, out of the top 30 most influential entities on this planet, 14 are corporations and 16 are countries. In other words, there are 14 corporations that are more influential globally than about 185 countries.
And money isn’t just a tool for buying goods and services. Money, as mentioned before, is a communication device. It is used all the time to influence beliefs. Of the roughly $2 trillion of money moving around the world every day, only about 2% is used in the transaction of products and services. The rest, the bulk, is used in transactions where no products or services change hands! It is used in arbitrage, currency exchanges, politics, legal issues, agreements, control issues and so on. A lot of times, the most powerful movements and agreements about money are changed or maintained without your knowing. You would assume that you know about the most significant movements of money, but paradoxically those are the ones they keep secret. For example, the formulation of the Federal Reserve system, the way money is printed and applied, its effect in politics – all these are hidden. Another example would be the role of the dollar in the recent U.S. invasion of Iraq. The administration had various reasons for invading Iraq, apart from getting Saddam, many of which we may not know of. But one reason that is of use to us here in our example has to do with the U.S. dollar. Ever since the gold reserve was forever abandoned under President Nixon, all oil has been traded in U.S. dollars and the oil price has been in U.S. dollars. This made the U.S. dollar the world currency for energy trading worldwide. Although the U.S. freely prints U.S. dollars, other countries must give the U.S. their goods and services just to get dollars (they can't, unlike the U.S., freely print dollars). Because many countries also have debts to the IMF, World Bank, and other countries, they also must get U.S. dollars to pay off their debts. So for debts and energy, all countries must get U.S. dollars from the U.S., in exchange for their goods. Before the Euro, the whole world was practically, whether they liked it or not, hooked onto a currency that just one country, the U.S., could print at will and at no cost. Because of this monopoly position, the U.S. has been able to control world trade and world trade prices to its advantage (e.g., it buys its imports at some of the cheapest prices, has veto powers in all world trade bodies, dictates IMF and World Bank policies for other countries, and so on). And then came the Euro, the new universal currency of the European Union. Within a few years, the Euro started to become a competitor to the dollar in some areas. The dollar started losing its monopoly power in Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, former Soviet Union, and Central Asia. Then, Iraq became the first OPEC country to start selling oil in Euros instead of dollars. The U.S.
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dollar began to decline and the Euro gained 17% in value since that Iraqi decision. Then, Iran started to actively consider selling its oil in Euros instead of dollars. Because Iran is the second-largest OPEC oil producer, this would have dealt another blow to the dollar and its control on world activities. When the U.S. invaded Iraq, they changed its oil trade back to the U.S. dollar from the Euro. So now, Iraq is back to the dollar, and Iran has been discouraged from making any switch to the euro.
The money you use to buy your groceries is part of the same money that makes up all the money in the world. It circulates in that same global ocean of money, just like a water drop is at some point part of the ocean and at another point a drop of rain, then a river, then a shower. The money you use is a tip of a very large iceberg that is mostly hidden from view. You can see the hidden part if you like, but you have to make the choice to look at it. The tip of the iceberg has the same properties as the whole iceberg. A ray of the sun has the same powers and properties as the sun itself, only in a different form and scale. The drop of water has the same properties and powers of the ocean, only in a different form and scale. The money you earn and use possesses the same properties as the money used in the largest international activities (trade, control, politics, etc). You therefore gain much from looking at these big events, because they are reflected in your personal small events. In other words, if you look closely, you will notice that your personal life and the world’s life is closely matched. You will notice that the things you experience in your life are just micro versions, in a different form and context but same essence, of what is going on in the world. You will notice that, in ways you had never seen before, we are One.
One last “coincidence” of a democratic system:
Since 1934, almost every US Secretary of State has been a member of the controversial and secretive group called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Since that same year, all Secretaries of War or Defense have also been members of the same organization. And so have most presidential candidates and many presidents. How can it be coincidence that in a democracy of 290 million people, many of whom have never even heard of the CFR, these leaders often are members of the same one organization? Irrespective of the motives of the CFR, how is it possible for such exact and consistent placement to be possible in a truly transparent and free political system?
A quick review of the current financial system
We have already looked at the current financial system in fair detail. Let us just briefly wrap up with some quick points before moving on to the next part of our discussion of money in your world (we will take a more personal look at you as a system and how to make that system more efficient and capable of producing wealth).
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Inflation and depression is created by varying the amount of money in the system. By simply changing the amount of money in the economy, and the interest rate, one can move the economy around in any direction chosen. The principles of economics are clear and simple, and all it takes is to simply set the interest rate and adjust the amount of money in the system and one can move the economy as they wish. This is the power the Federal Reserve Bank has. The Fed is owned by banks (owned by about 300 financiers), which in turn own vast sections of the economy and bank and give loans to the population. Think about that. The big banks own the Fed, dictate (“advice on”) a good measure of the economic direction by varying the money supply and interest rate as they deem fit, own a significant portion of the companies in the economy, bank and lend the money for most of the population, and contribute heavily towards their political candidates who usually win! In addition to that, the banks also own significant controlling portions of the media. The idea of a free economy, with equal opportunity for all, cannot be realized under such an arrangement. You cannot have the banker printing the money, setting the economy, owning the companies, having a hand at the media, and being the government. This is a recipe for control and misdirection, and gradual ownership of everything by the few.
Look at the recent trend in the national debt (it only ever increases, always, unsustainably):

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09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

Obviously, this cannot go on forever. This is a debt. You cannot run into the minus forever. An individual cannot do that, a company cannot do that, and it is ridiculous to expect that a country can do that. This $7 trillion debt is the U.S. national debt, created primarily because of the dysfunctional nature of the central banking arrangement. It is simply unsustainable, concentrated in the hands of the few, and constraining to the masses.
By the way, wars create the biggest jumps in national debt. For example, before WWI, the national debt was at $1 billion, and after the war, it was at $25 billion. Every war has the same effect. War is a time for great financial profit and increased control for a few people (in truth there are always those who profit most at wartime), while it destroys everything else.
As we saw earlier, the Fed was created by a select group of bankers with deep links to the well-established and powerful London banking houses. What is also interesting is that the Bank of England, the bank that is in charge of managing the UK’s national debt, issuing money, setting exchange controls, and other fiscal matters, was also privately owned for 252 years until 1946. Behind the scenes, there wasn’t much separation between the powerful private banking groups behind the Fed and the Bank of England.
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Some quotes from presidents and leaders who in the past have warned against private central banks (several Fed-like systems had been set up in various times in the past and removed repeatedly on various constitutional grounds):
"The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution...if the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. ... Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers [administrations], too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.... I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson
"The bold effort the present bank had made to control the government, the distress it had wantonly produced...are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it." - President Andrew Jackson when he abolished the private Bank of the United States (the Fed-like bank from 1816-36)
Now look at this quote from a book written in 1906:
"These are the rules of big business...Get a monopoly; let society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics..." - Frederick C. Howe
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The IRS was created shortly after the Federal Reserve Bank was created. It is a perfect vehicle for the government to use to pay back its ‘debt’ to the Federal Reserve Bank. Even in congressional hearings, the Fed has admitted several times to the fact that it creates money out of thin air and loans it to the government with usury (interest). If the government goes back to printing its own money, this interest would cease to be created, and the budget would, for once, balance. Did you know that for the last 50 times that taxes have been raised, the budget has only been balanced once? 15% of the national budget goes towards paying the interest on the national debt, while another 15% goes towards the military (a primary reason for much of the national debt in the first place). You do not need such a high level of taxes to run a good economy. In fact, you have a better economy with low taxes that give people a chance to be free instead of bound to 3 jobs just to make ends meet. The IRS is shrouded by a lot of controversy about its creation. It was initially a private trust called the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Puerto Rico (or Philippines – it is unclear which of two vehicles was converted). This private trust bureau was set up to regulate international trade coming through the possessions of Philippines and Puerto Rico by imposing and collecting taxes on narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. Its name was later changed by the then Secretary of the Treasury to the IRS. At no point was congress involved in the creation of the bureau or the IRS. The creators of the IRS only started involving congress a year later, to pass some laws to give some ‘legal’ support to their new structure. The IRS history is too long to go into here, but many in the legal profession question the legality of its origins, code and enforcement. In fact, its concept was ruled unconstitutional several times before it was finally implemented in a rather controversial way. A national income tax was found unconstitutional in 1895 by the Supreme Court, and several times again after that. To this day, it is unclear whether the IRS actually has the legal right to enforce tax collection in the states (it only has that power in federal areas such as D.C. and insular possessions but questionably not in the individual states).
If your money changes in value when and as the Fed says, then it is not your money at all. If the monetary value of your produce and output is uniformly dictated and controlled by some central forces, without regard for the uniqueness of your output and what you want for it, then you are not free and self-reliant. If your education is forcefully tailored for you, and you are directed towards fixed ways of existing, then you are not free to have original thought. For you to reach the greatest potential of your inherent wealth and freedom, you have to get back the powers and freedoms you have given away, find them within you where they always have been, and start expressing your divine sovereignty.
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Whatever you do, do it for the True Reason. Don’t do it for the money. Although you may very well be paid in money for what you do, don’t do what you do just for the money. Money is not a true reality as such, and doing things for the money is actually not as powerful, not even closely, as doing things for the True Reason. The money will come anyway when you ask for it. For example, if you are a doctor, cure people because you wish to heal them, not because of the money they will pay you. The money will come anyway – just ask them for it. When you start a business, do it because it is something you love to do, and not because of the money. The money should be part of your plan, but not the primary reason. If you have a job, work in it only if and because you love it, and not just because of the money. Don’t sell yourself, especially not for what doesn’t have meaning in itself. It is OK to love money, but feeling needy and small towards it will actually slow you down greatly. When you work just for the money, you are working for what does not have a real existence, an existence that can satisfy you, enlighten you, and empower you. For example, if you do a job because you love it, you love what you do, you will have fulfillment, enjoy yourself, produce exceptionally, not be that tired, are energized, learn, and grow. As a bonus, you still are paid money anyway. If you do a job just for the money, you will find it hard to find continual satisfaction and fulfillment, you will get tired more, not produce as well as you would have, get blocks, and always be under pressure to make more money because you believe your lack of satisfaction is because you don’t yet have enough money! Especially on the long run, doing what you love is always more profitable than doing things just for the money. When you do what you naturally love, and put effort at improving and enjoying your self, the money just comes anyway – just ask for it in exchange for your unique output and people will happily give it to you. And don’t be afraid to ask and ask enough – if you are too shy to ask, or you don’t believe in the value of your work, and are not open to receiving, you will find yourself short because you made yourself short. Just ask for it and you will get it. You will be amazed to know how many millions of people go without just because they don’t ask. Very simple.
Is there anything wrong with me? Why do I find it hard to make money? How can I experience the fully empowered Co-creator that I Am?
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So far, this book A Happy Pocket Full of Money has shown you how the universal system works and how you can work it. It has shown you how the physical money system works and how you interact with it. It has shown you how the current civilization’s money constructs work and how that is connected to you. Now, for the finale, it will point you towards understanding one last system: you. Life happens through you and not to you. This makes you the most important part of life, as you know it, because it all happens through you and not to you. This sounds so grand that at first you may not accept it to be true.
We all pulsate on a physical, quantum and spirit level. On a physical level, we have an equivalent of this pulsation that we call breathing. Through breath, we live. On a quantum level, we are all composed of pulsations; the subatomic particles of energy pulse in and out of existence billions of times a second, collectively making up the illusion of physical form. The Maya, the illusion of multiple physical beings, is an illusion created out of the interaction of energy (even our eyes and ears are energy coming together to give the appearance of a form we call eyes and ears). We, Spirit, are constantly pulsing in and out of physical form at an undetectable rate, just like the individual sub-atomic particles that make us up. Each particle pulses in and out of existence at the speed of light or higher. That is what we are all made of. And this is where the surprise comes in: you are constantly pulsating between Who You Really Are and who you are pretending to be for the sake of experience. Between the flashes, your consciousness moves into Spirit, the angelic beingness that is You, and Body, the illusion of form. This is so rapid that you cannot notice it. But in meditation, in that stillness, you can sense that infinite void that is part of you, from which all arises. You are literally the creator, the created, and the creative process; the observer, the observed, and the observation. If all sentient beings on this planet stopped breathing and stopped holding a vision of any kind, all at once for just a few moments, literally everything would instantly disappear. Separation does not exist except in illusion.
That is the extent of the power that you inherently have.
And that leaves us with two questions:
1. How do you consciously use this power?
2. How then is it possible that you who is so powerful can be challenged by issues so tiny, by things that are inherently powerless and made-up, and how can you get out of those blockages?

This is where you, the system, come in.
This is where you require to understand how you are constructed, how you function. Through this understanding, you learn to tap into and apply the ‘sleeping’ vastness that is You. As you might imagine, this is an entire topic in
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itself that can cover many books. So here, in this book, we will simply have a summary overview that will point towards the right direction.
We have been taught to look at human beings and identify them as physical bodies with a personality. This personality is the sum total of the way a person talks, thinks, acts, does business, interacts, lives, grows, looks, and so on. It is a very general term. When you work on your personality, you are working on it to change your life – that is why people work on themselves. Working on the personality changes a person and their entire lives. You can work on yourself to become more courageous, to quit smoking, to get rich, to have more love, to heal from disease, and much more. But what exactly is being changed? In other words, the word personality does not pinpoint an exact thing or location. It is quite an abstract concept. Your personality. Where is this personality stored and what is it made of? This is the system we are talking about. In fact, it is a system that includes the personality (or rather appears outwardly as a personality) and more! It is the system of human existence that comprises the core star, the hara line, the 7 chakras, and the 7 energy bodies (levels of a person’s auric field or aura).
As humanity advances, we discover more about ourselves. Each moment, new insights arrive onto the human physical plane. There are those humans that deny there is any existence beyond what we can see physically, and yet there are still other humans who can see far more than most. There are humans who can see other humans at levels of details that would sound like fairy tales to most people. There is much information out there that is yet to become common knowledge to all humans, just as it wasn’t common knowledge at some point in history that the earth is round and not flat. Every human being is constructed multi-dimensionally as follows. We have a core star, which is the central core of our being. This core star is the inner source of beingness, the source of creation and creativity. It literally looks like a bright white star and is the localized divinity within us. No matter how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ a person is, the core star is always pure eternally, eternally in the image and likeness of the Creator. The core star is always divine, never ‘contaminated’ by anything. It is literally impossible to change this core, our core, to be unlike The Creator because it is part of the eternal chain of light that forms the universe. The core star is not on the physical dimension although it encompasses it. This core star then streams our individuation and creative force into the haric level. The hara level holds our deep
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intentions (life path and purpose) and moulds the stream from the core star as per these intentions. The hara is a laser-like line that starts about three and a half feet above the head and goes down the center of our body and into the earth’s core. Along this line, you will find three points. At the top, a small inverted funnel represents our original individuation from the godhead and into an incarnation, and our reason for incarnating. Further down this hara line, near the chest, is a light sphere that holds our spiritual desire, passion and longing that propels us along our life path and purpose. It is the deep feeling of longing to accomplish your life purpose. Further down, in your belly area below the navel, is the tan tien, the power point that all martial artists use to perform their incredible feats. This ball of power is also the center of your will to live physically. Its construction is that of light and sound. It is the unique soul note that you sounded as per your will, to draw up, manifest and hold a physical body out of the mother earth. As far-fetched as this idea may sound to some people, scientists now know that sound very specifically builds physical forms. The core star is the only part of human existence that remains untouched and undamaged. The hara is meant to be straight and the three points in good form and function, but many people have bends in their lines and distortions in their points. All distortions are results of mind conclusions by the person – they are not imposed on by some outside force. All distortions are correctable, and we actually tend towards correction. As such, there is no such thing as an incurable disease. Well, the hara dimension is the foundation upon which the human aura is built. The hara passes to the aura the stream from the core star, after adding to it its will and intention. The aura further modifies and manifests this creative stream according to what is in the aura – and you end up with your life experiences. The aura is composed of 7 chakras and 7 energy bodies. You can trace all the details of your life to these chakras and bodies. Your life situations, your successes and problems, your tendencies, your habits, why things keep happening to you, your thoughts, your emotions, your health and diseases – almost everything relating to your human experience lies within these 7 chakras and 7 bodies. Your physical body is mapped to these chakras and bodies, determined by them, directed by them, and so are your life situations. But the whole aura is under your conscious, subconscious, and supraconscious control. Hence, you are never a victim, only a creator.
To those who can see it (and practically all little children and thousands of adults can), the aura is constructed as follows. The human being looks as if they have a cocoon of various lights and patterns that extends several feet around them, which look as if they are in 7 layers (the energy bodies). These layers, although ‘separate’, are actually multi-dimensionally overlapping. Also, along the spinal column are 7 chakras, spinning energy centers that look like lotuses. They
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metabolize the energy from the universal energy field (only 10% of your energy comes from food) and each has a human and body function. They are connected to the body through the nervous system, meridians, endocrine system and the blood system. The chakras are also mapped and connected to the energy bodies to form a simple, powerful system that life literally happens through and from and is experienced by.
The 7 energy bodies you have are as follows (each body inter-penetrates the others):

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The 7 bodies interact with each other in all directions and influence each other. However, certain layers have specific functions and abilities. For example, if the deep-seated beliefs you hold (in the Ketheric template) are that money is scarce, then the life you experience will be automatically built by that template, and you will find it very hard to work against that. However, someone with deep-seated beliefs of abundance will find it very easy to have wealth because the template and thus the construction is automatically that of wealth. The energy bodies also require energy to flow freely within and between each. So, now you can see how a blockage in one can result in negative effects in the others. For example, closing your heart down will literally choke out the energy flow between your spiritual and physical aspects and this will interfere in several areas of your life. Or certain mental concepts you choose to hold will shape the templates in your template bodies (e.g. self-hatred can shape the etheric body in a way that creates a physical body that reflects that). Your emotional body also magnetizes situations that match it. Diseases first come up as errors in thought usually in the mental body, and then move to the emotional body, and if not corrected, they begin to affect the etheric body until finally a physical disease manifests. Each disease can be mapped very specifically to a certain thought form – diseases are neither random nor irreversible. Another example of how these bodies work is that beliefs picked up in past life forms, held in the Ketheric template, also influence all the other bodies and thus your current life, until you change them (that is how karma works). As you can see, your life situations arise out of what is held in the energy bodies and chakras, but you are the author of those bodies and chakras. These, with the chakras, are the Tools of the Creator, from which you can literally be, do and have anything because the universe unquestioningly responds to these tools through pure science. The love of Spirit is such that you never ask for an apple and receive a snake instead. The Creator built a system where ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, is guaranteed by science.
The 7 chakras are as follows:

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By working directly with your energy bodies and energy centers (chakras), you can quickly grow and evolve at a much faster and more effortless rate than when you work unconsciously on your ‘personality’ without much direction. You can learn how the system works and be able to ‘read’ your body and life situations and make inferences to know exactly what to change to achieve a desired result.
Blockages, as they are often referred to, are simply patterns of energy held in place by a belief. For example, some people may feel they have blocked creativity, or blocked sexuality, or blocked ability to make wealth. These blockages are simply ‘stagnant old thought and emotional patterns’ that a person is choosing to hold and maintain, and these patterns ‘block’ the smooth flow of energy from the core star and through and between the bodies and chakras. The blockage itself then is projected into the person’s life (in the same way that a shape held in front of a lit torch will project a shadow of that shape onto the wall). Karma, also, is not a debt that must be paid. It is also simply patterns (or attitudes) a person has chosen to hold from previous lifetimes and these are projected and experienced, until those beliefs or patterns are changed.
As you can imagine, the how-to of working with these bodies directly would cover a whole book or more. We will therefore not go into it here. But it is simple and straightforward once you have the right guidance. Here are some highly recommended resources for more on the human system and working with it:
• Prova LifeTransformations, Healing and Empowerment: This is a software package for Windows, made by David Cameron /, which walks you through working on your personal life situations and goals, through your chakras and energy bodies, in a deliberate, clear, quick and effective manner. You are able to take any issue in your life that you would like to transform, heal or empower, and do so in a most advanced format that is rapid and effective. This is a software package
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that is, literally, life changing. You may download a free trial copy from
• Light Emerging and Hands of Light are two one-of-a-kind books that can change your life. The author, Barbara Ann Brennan, is a highly talented, educated and gifted physicist and healer who has brought humanity one of the greatest gifts ever: a map of itself! These two books practically cover much of what you would need to know to work on yourself at this level.

One of the things that you will have to put effort towards is having your own original thought, following your own soul feelings and intuition. Most people hardly have original thought. Most of what they think, say and do is based on a conclusion that was handed down to them from an external source. Literally almost everything from their taste in food, their beliefs about work and money, their education, the way they relate to others... is all programmed from past experiences and what they have been told is right or wrong. They hardly have any conclusions based on their own first hand untainted experience. And thus, they are set on a course that repeats history, because they are literally reacting as programmed, repeatedly, instead of creating new moments afresh. The past interferes with the present when you do not have your own original thought, at every moment, following your soul feelings and insights. Beings that are conditioned to being told what to do, living by past experiences, are easily manipulated simply by setting external conditions in a certain way that would result in a certain reaction. They are predictable. They are not free. They are the system default. You see, these conditioned responses are all held in your aura as emotional patterns, thought forms, templates and beliefs. And you pass them on to your children by teaching them what you consider to be right or wrong – and most parents don’t allow their children to find their own truth. And this is how the system is perpetuated over generations. You can stop being the default by waking up, choosing to be true to your own truth, and challenging your beliefs and fears and putting them to the test (you would be surprised to see that almost all of your fear-based conclusions are completely incorrect once you test them). Always ask yourself what You really feel and think. This is not the same as what you have become conditioned to thinking and feeling in similar circumstances – that is not You. Start to see things clearly, independently, so that you may start creating instead of reacting. This is a requirement for changing your aura into one of your own making instead of one essentially put together by the unreleased past and by beliefs that you accepted from others without questioning them or testing them yourself.
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To change your aura and thus your life, you need to have the ability to respond. Response ability is a function of responsibility. If you do not feel responsible for something, you feel powerless and victimized, and you feel the lack of response ability. However, once you take responsibility over all that concerns your life, all of it, you can start to see the cause-effect connections clearly and you will have response ability. Self-responsibility, as opposed to blaming other things and people and feeling victimized, is essential to being able to re-write your aura. By the way, when your aura is edited, so is your DNA. Your DNA is just like a hard drive, saving information about the being for later use. Your efforts will be passed on to your children and you will have changed humanity as a whole. That is the process of evolution. And in the same way, the DNA you were born with is the result of thousands of generations of humans, ever since the beginning of humanity, writing on the DNA you now use. What will you do with it for the next generation, for your own return in future?
Know that you are inherently self-reliant. You are designed to be self-reliant. All of life, all of nature, all the universe, is. In this self-reliance, there are many situations where cooperation is called for, and so, paradoxically, the self-reliance does depend upon cooperation and recognition of unity (interdependence). However, you don’t need to be dependent on anything at all – it is not a need. The hardest thing for humans to accept is that They Truly have no needs. Dependence is not a way of life; it is an experiential phase. Independence and interdependence (cooperative dependence) work together to produce freedom. Everything in life goes through short periods of dependence to absorb new inputs, then swings into independence to apply the inputs it absorbed when dependent, and then repeats the cycle. This self-reliance is the sum total of dependence (interdependence) and independence. Being stuck on dependence only or independence only is unhealthy and unsustainable. Believing that you are not self-reliant by nature, that you need something else to be self-reliant, takes you out of this natural balance between dependence and independence. Western society has trained its people to rely on jobs, to gear their whole lives towards jobs, to even literally sell their soul for jobs. Jobs are OK, fine. But the common belief that without a job one is nothing is an unhealthy and paralyzing belief. Most people are now dependent on jobs and only few are independent. You will find that the independent people tend to follow their hearts, follow their dreams, and follow their passions, all the way! This independence in thought and pursuit eventually leads to independence in life itself – self-employment or just being able to live well without dependence on some corporation to grant you a job on
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their terms and schedule. Self-reliance requires the choice and persistence to follow one’s heart. Most people have been conditioned to fear; they fear following their hearts. If everyone followed their hearts, you would find that they would mostly be independent. In other words, a society where most people are successfully self-employed, individually or in large groups with common goals, is a complete possibility. It may not look at all like the one we live in now in terms of social and business structures, but it can completely happen and be extremely advanced, actually. You are inherently, by design, eternally self-reliant through your balancing of dependence and independence. Don’t fear any one side and attempt to exclude it.
Follow your heart, let the feelings from your heart (not your emotions) guide you to what next. Your heart is directly connected to your higher divine mind that does not err. Your lower mind, the one you usually think with, was actually designed to organize physical existence. Its function is primarily to collect facts and to organize onto physical existence the plans and ideas brought forth to it by the higher mind. When we use it to plan for what it cannot possibly plan for due to limited awareness, when we use it to negate the feelings from the heart, to worry, and so on, we are actually misusing it and creating problems where there would not otherwise be a problem. Follow your heart; use your mind to implement your heart’s guidance.
You are an eternal Spirit having a temporal human experience. First, you are Spirit. Then, at some ‘point’ in eternity, You incarnate a human experience in space-time. This You that is Who You Really Are, can be called your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is always watching over you; you and your Higher Self are actually One. Your Higher Self puts together all your experiences in accordance with the unbreakable laws of the universe. Despite all appearances, you are always surrounded by the eternal power and love of your Higher Self. Every experience you have is carefully put together to guide your human experience towards eventual alignment with your Higher Self (enlightenment) – this can take an instant or several lifetimes depending on your choices. Every ‘bad’ experience you have is designed to correct errors in thought through experience. There really is no failure; just successive moments. It helps your human experience greatly to be aware of the fact that there is guidance always. In a universe where Everything is All One, conflict is an illusion of the lower mind; conflict doesn’t exist as a Reality. You always get what you choose. So when you find that you
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are experiencing something you don’t like, stop and see where within all aspects of your being you are choosing the experience you are having and why. There is no such thing as not getting what you choose. It is a metaphysical impossibility. Sure, we can get confused and imagine that things we don’t choose are happening to us, but upon closer investigation, we will always find some deep-seated unconscious belief or emotion we are holding that is attracting these situations.
The universe is always in flow. The energies that compose it are actual life. Just like you have your own plans, your Higher Self has a divine plan, the planet has a divine plan, and so does the universe. All divine plans are in harmony and they assist each other. They work as One. Your part of the divine plan, a plan you co-created freely in Spirit and incarnated to perform, is fully supported by the universe. When you follow your life plan, your heart’s desires, you are in line with all of life and you will find things to be effortless. When you choose to go against the plan, then you will find it hard to live. This difficulty is your cue that you are not in the flow of your Own Plans, not following your heart. You see, the divine plans don’t stop just because you choose to go another way. Even your own self-chosen, co-created divine plan held by your Higher Self still moves forward. The currents of energy that are the expression of these divine wills continue to flow all across the universe, the world, your life. So by your free will you literally are choosing between floating with the currents or swimming against them. Guess which one is easier?
Do your own thing and you will have your own personally directed economy. You don’t have to be affected by the economy around you. The economy is not an actual tangible and fixed thing. The economy of a nation is the sum total of the personal economies of each individual within that nation. And an individual’s personal economy is simply the reflection of their beliefs and actions. Any economy, then, is simply a reflection of the beliefs of the participants. The stock market reflects the beliefs of the investors and the beliefs that hold together all the internal functions of the companies on the stock market (which gives the companies their valuation). Watch what happens to an economy after a major news announcement on television. For example, today, houses could have an average value of $200,000, for example. Then, tonight, some newscaster may come and stress on how bad the economy is and dump a whole host of bad news. All at the same time, millions of viewers will be convinced that things really
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are bad. Tomorrow, the same houses are unable to fetch $130,000 just because popular beliefs have been altered! The houses aren’t destroyed or changed in anyway. In fact, to an outsider who didn’t watch the news, the world looks the same as it did the day before. But suddenly these houses’ value is gone! It is amazing how much influence the media has on people’s economies just by changing their beliefs within minutes. A problem that could have been contained to affecting just a few people can spread to affect millions of people simply because of the nightly news. Having your own personally directed economy means that you will have to start maintaining your own vision regardless of what you hear in the news; don’t react to it as usual. It isn’t necessarily complete, true, or even applicable. The news is simply as statement of what happened, according to one perspective. It doesn’t have to lead to anything else unless you choose it. But now you begin to see the amazing power of the media; the ability to move an entire nation in a certain direction simply by spreading a piece of news. This power only works when the viewers agree to believe the news.
There is nothing wrong with you. Society has taught us that there is something wrong with us. There is nothing wrong with you. Sure, if you believe there is something wrong with you, you will experience that. But Truly, there is nothing wrong with you. For example, our Western culture has taught us that the world is going badly because there is something inherently wrong with people. And many people believe this. They never stop to consider that maybe it is the culture itself, the system and its outcomes, that have a problem. For example, the system (culture) trains us to compete at all costs. It tells us that it is a game where the fittest survive. That everything is scarce. That we must accumulate to prevent death. And that we must eliminate all competition. So we fight each other in school, in business, between countries, we kill all organism that we think are competing with us for food on our farms, we take over other lands, we get 3 jobs each... And we go on like that until we find ourselves trapped in an existence that forces us to keep working without stopping (it tells us that if we stop we will not eat), to destroy the environment almost automatically (e.g. our food is now wrapped in non-degradable plastic), to create and use immense stockpiles of arms in the name of peace, to live as if all of life and nature is threatening us, to live as if we are at war with nature... And all the while, we believe that things are bad because there is something wrong with all humans and us. We never stop to think, “Hang on! The system we have constructed is not sustainable or functional. There is nothing wrong with me, only with the system I am following, perpetuating and applying.” Well, there is nothing wrong with you, so relax. Sure, you may be following a system that isn’t practical, but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. You are a Perfect Being, made in the image and likeness of the Creator. You are Spirit having a human experience. Your core star can never be
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invalidated. There is nothing wrong with you. The system, which is in many ways an extension of our egos, will tell us, through our media, parents, friends, our own minds, and other conditioned sources, that there is something wrong with us. That isn’t correct; it is simply the system projecting its own problems onto us, just as we then accept and project them back onto the system through the way we live and teach each other. You can stop this at any time. There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing!


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